February 6th, 2014. I reconnected with my old friend Jerry Pearson while at the gym. I hadn't seen him since before I left for Maui. Last time I saw him, he gave my partner and I Palo Santo and two stones each that had been blessed by a Shaman. I always felt something from him but couldn't ever put it into words-it was a strong connection. Here we are in the locker room and he starts telling me the work he is doing these days and my eyes lit up, "Body work, eh?" That was that. He told me to pick a day and let him know and I did just that.
I walked into his apartment and felt a powerful peace and knowing...I knew I was about to go some place very deep inside of me.
He asked me to sit down and open up to him about what was going on in my life at the time, what my concerns were, etc. I filled him in for about twenty minutes or so, and then we began.
I approached his table where he had 7 stones laying down. As he held his rattle he asked for me to pick three that jumped out at me.
I laid down and he told me to start breathing in through my nose and out through my nose. He asked that I gradually pick up the pace with my breathing. I did, however my nose started to burn so I began to breathe through my mouth and out through my nose, which was OK.
Before I knew it, I started to feel tingling in my face, cheeks, and writsts. I kept breathing...
The intensity kicked up, and I kept breathing. Jerry asked me where I was and I told him I was having visions of making food, I was hungry! I wondered, is this some kind of defense mechanism? Is my mind dreaming of making food because it's comforting and keeps me away from entering the dark cave? I suddenly had another vision of making food for my partner and my father, and feeling excited about giving it to them after this session. I envisioned myself spilling my guts, emotionally, to my father in particular. At this moment I realized it was safe for me to be vulnerable around my parents which is something I hadn't thought in a long time.
Jerry would continue to hold me physically, and emotionally. He would apply acupressure to certain areas of my body. The heavy breathing started to naturally cease and I became calmer...I heard the water heater in the apartment above tick slower, slower, slower,....
Jerry began to massage a Tibetan Singing Bowl and I began to go into a really deep state...I was at that place where I nearly fell asleep but I still had a slight presence of the room. While in this state, I recall speaking with some entity or person, however I do not recall who or what it was and what the conversation entailed.
Jerry said I had vanished, HA. When I came out of the state I was currently in, my ears had suddenly popped. I could hear better and I felt light, clear, and reborn. This was my first session with Jerry, and a most incredible intro to working with him and witnessing the power of God when channeled through a conduit that is destined for this type of work. MAHALO, JERRY!
This is a painting by an artist/healer named Germa. The painting is of Jerry as he is surrounded by various animal spirits. His spirit animal is said to be a snow leopard.
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