Sunday, March 16, 2014


February 6th, 2014. I reconnected with my old friend Jerry Pearson while at the gym. I hadn't seen him since before I left for Maui. Last time I saw him, he gave my partner and I Palo Santo and two stones each that had been blessed by a Shaman. I always felt something from him but couldn't ever put it into words-it was a strong connection. Here we are in the locker room and he starts telling me the work he is doing these days and my eyes lit up, "Body work, eh?" That was that. He told me to pick a day and let him know and I did just that.

I walked into his apartment and felt a powerful peace and knowing...I knew I was about to go some place very deep inside of me.

He asked me to sit down and open up to him about what was going on in my life at the time, what my concerns were, etc. I filled him in for about twenty minutes or so, and then we began.

I approached his table where he had 7 stones laying down. As he held his rattle he asked for me to pick three that jumped out at me.

I laid down and he told me to start breathing in through my nose and out through my nose. He asked that I gradually pick up the pace with my breathing. I did, however my nose started to burn so I began to breathe through my mouth and out through my nose, which was OK. 

Before I knew it, I started to feel tingling  in my face, cheeks, and writsts. I kept breathing...
The intensity kicked up, and I kept breathing. Jerry asked me where I was and I told him I was having visions of making food, I was hungry! I wondered, is this some kind of defense mechanism? Is my mind dreaming of making food because it's comforting and keeps me away from entering the dark cave? I suddenly had another vision of making food for my partner and my father, and feeling excited about giving it to them after this session. I envisioned myself spilling my guts, emotionally, to my father in particular. At this moment I realized it was safe for me to be vulnerable around my parents which is something I hadn't thought in a long time.
Jerry would continue to hold me physically, and emotionally. He would apply acupressure to certain areas of my body. The heavy breathing started to naturally cease and I became calmer...I heard the water heater in the apartment above tick slower, slower, slower,....
 Jerry began to massage a Tibetan Singing Bowl and I began to go into a really deep state...I was at that place where I nearly fell asleep but I still had a slight presence of the room. While in this state, I recall speaking with some entity or person, however I do not recall who or what it was and what the conversation entailed.
Jerry said I had vanished, HA. When I came out of the state I was currently in, my ears had suddenly popped. I could hear better and I felt light, clear, and reborn. This was my first session with Jerry, and a most incredible intro to working with him and witnessing the power of God when channeled through a conduit that is destined for this type of work. MAHALO, JERRY!

  This is a painting by an artist/healer named Germa. The painting is of Jerry as he is surrounded by various animal spirits. His spirit animal is said to be a snow leopard.

Intro to Bioenergetics

Intro to Bioenergetics
Bioenergetics is a therapy that uses the language of the body to heal and transform the problems of the mind. This body-mind approach to personality has a positive effect on emotional, physical, and psychic distress. Dr. Alexander Lowen, founder of this therapy, writes that "increased joy and pleasure are possible in every day life through an understanding of how your body functions energetically: how it determines what you feel, think, and do." He also points out that "lack of energy is the result of chronic muscular tensions, a condition caused by the suppression of feelings. These tensions can be dissolved through the direct body work in bioenergetic exercise, which restores the potential for living a rich, full life." Dr. Lowen looks at common physical problems like headaches and lower back pain and shows how they are easily overcome by releasing the muscular tension that is responsible for them.

Below are powerful documentations of this work:



THE WOUNDED WOMAN-Bioenergetic therapy

I first experienced the power of this work when I moved to Maui in 2012 and went through a plethora of experiences that rendered me frightened, sad, and nearly suicidal. I started to see a woman by the name of  Jane Eldridge for Gestalt therapy and Bodywork.  
As I became a witness to the healing power of bioenergetics, I began an eternal internal revolution.

Our sessions would fluctuate; sometimes we would do talk therapy and then others we would start right away on the table. I found the bodywork to deliver better results but I found that the talk therapy is important-as long as it is balanced with the body. I remember the day I went in to her and was having a really tough time. I got on the table.

I laid down and she asked me to start breathing, a certain way of breathing that had me breathe deep but stretch my upper chest out and then release the breath quickly. I kept the breathing up as she would walk around me and lightly massage certain areas of my body with gentle pressure on various meridians. Her presence was strong and she was there with me.

Suddenly I started to tingle all in my wrists, cheeks and legs. She would check in with me...

"What's going on? Where are you?"

I would describe to her the pain I was feeling which was super odd because it was just a tingling sensation, but it was like when my foot would fall asleep, except times a thousand! Seriously...

"What does the face want to do? What does the face want to do?" She would repeat in a gentle and direct way to me, talking to my wounded inner child. It was at this point that my body would take over, and my heart would say, "Matthew, let go and allow your vulnerability to shine through!" She was right with me, and at that moment I realized I was resisting tears, I was afraid to cry. I had been taught that it was cowardly and unmanly to show sadness through my tears.

After the session, I felt amazing. From this point on, I said to myself, "We are going to keep up with this type of work. 

I currently work with an incredible man by the name of Jerry Pearson who lives in the Chicago area. He studied with Alberto Villoldo, and currently works with clients to help them achieve outstanding results similar to those you will find in the videos above. 

This blog is a journal documentation of the experiences and truths that come from my sessions with Jerry.


